Saturday, September 4, 2010

How Do You Improve Your Concentration

English grammar of all things! There are few days in the world more beautiful than a perfect summer's afternoon in England. And there we sat, hot and bored stiff, listening to the first eleven practicing at the nets, the sound of bat on ball.
The lecturer droned on about participles, parsing, the imperfect tense and all things we could so easily have done without. It took us a few moments, but all of a sudden we were aware that he was no longer speaking English. It turned out to be fluent Arabic.
He was a popular teacher, a man of whimsy, who was usually able to keep us amused with his style of teaching. But even he was defeated by this particular day, as were we, and he knew it. But suddenly we were upright, our ears a-quiver, as the strange, exotic words rolled off his tongue. Then he stopped.
"Strange how I was able to hold your attention by speaking in a tongue of which you have no understanding. Now, perhaps, you'll do me the goodness of concentrating on your mother tongue of which most of you at any rate possess a passing knowledge." He turned back to the blackboard, a wry smile on his face.
We probably learned more about English grammar in the half hour that was left, than we'd learned in all previous lessons put together. Why was this?
We'd been shocked out of our mindless lethargy by totally unfamiliar sounds, so that when we were brought back to the subject at hand, our concentration had been perked, our lethargy had left us, and we were quite prepared to listen to the rest of the lesson.
For the achievement of anything in life, concentration is vital. So how do you improve your concentration?
Interest, of course, plays a large part. If you're studying something in which you really have no interest, then concentration on that subject is well nigh impossible. You'll be looking for excuses to duck out from under, as it were, and do other things.
First of all, you must make sure that, as far as possible, you're free from distractions. If someone's continually interrupting you, then concentration is impossible. Real concentration is a form of trance. You should be totally unaware of everything else around you, except the task at hand.
We use computers so much these days, that it's tempting to suddenly break off from what we're engaged in to check our E-mail. We checked it half an hour ago, but no matter. There might be something else that's turned up.
There's no doubt that concentration does require discipline. You make a point of checking your E-mail twice a day, at set times. The remainder of the day is spent on productive work, which will entail concentration.
After all, we used to survive perfectly well without E-mails, Twitters, Facebooks, etc. When you're working, try to forget that they exist. Check them first before you start work, so that your curiosity is satisfied, and then forget them.


  1. This post was well worth the read. There's good info here. In concentration we marshall all our dispersed energies into focusing on just one thing. When mastered, concentration can be of unimaginable benefit in our life; through concentration we can increase our productivity and give ourselves greater peace of mind. -Jaiden

  2. This was a good introductory article to concentration. I like the idea of one-pointedness, and learning to control your thoughts. Well written! Meditate, change and lose weight. So that is how we should upgrade our concentration level.

  3. I agree, it's very important to concentrate when studying and focusing on the task at hand. I used to stay in my room and re-read the same chapter over and over until I had it memorized...

  4. Concentration is the only way to achieve success. I think its not point reading same page of the book again and again if you are not able to get any knowledge out of it. One should be focused weather sit reading or learning or listening to make the most out of the reading or conversation as the case may be

  5. problems should all be left out in a box at home..leave the key inside a safe and you are all ready to go..concentration comes to those who have a peaceful mind..

  6. Spot on really! Turn the mobile onto silent and close any browser window when working on your PC (although can't turn Itunes off yet!) - Loved the school story, reminded me of days gone by when the teacher would see he was fighting a losing battle and declare that we'd have the lesson outside!

  7. good sharing,thanks,i appreciate your good work
    it is useful tips for me and hope for everybody

  8. Since I was a kid I have a problem with concentration. It is not that bad, but usually I am doing 2-3 different things at the same time which slow down my work.

  9. I am learning to “practice” meditation – you are right that it really does take “practice”. Thinking of the brain as a muscle helps too.

  10. @KPO Meditation indeed really helps. Its helps to focus all your energy and creates a positive vibe which enhances your learning and understanding ability

  11. I give myself just 5 minutes of pure silence just to relax my mind.. also I put it into my small journal just to be more keen.. Thanks for sharing this post... It's worth the read

  12. I love sitting in the park and thinking nothing. Thanks for the post!
