Saturday, September 11, 2010

Online Education Terms - What Does Accredited Mean

If you are looking into an online college program, you have undoubtedly come across the term "accredited". It is of utmost importance to make sure that you are getting a degree from an accredited institution. This ensures that your program has been proven to be to the highest standard possible. What does accredited mean actually?
Accreditation is the process of validating different colleges and universities. The standards are set by a peer review board that is comprised of faculty from other accredited universities. They review items such as requirements for admissions, services, and quality of education. There are six agencies that deal with accreditation, each having their own region.
Online schools are held to the same standards that a traditional school is held to. They go through the same accreditation procedures and review. If you are concerned about the accreditation of your specific school, then check out the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). CHEA is similar to a watchdog for accrediting agencies.
One important thing to remember is that an accreditation agency can give their blessing to one program in a school but not the entire school. If you are getting an actual degree, it is best to make sure the entire school is properly accredited.
A degree from an accredited institution will be worth more when you enter the business world. Employers will likely recognize a degree from an accredited school. However, they will probably not look twice if your degree is not from an accredited institution. There are schools out there than are not accredited so do your diligence when selecting a school to attend.


  1. Right now there are many full accredited online programs which offering bright future and good career. As well online education is cost effective and great way to learn new things.

  2. Nowadays, many online sites that offer educational services that also in good cost can be found in the World Wide Web which can really help many students and people to learn new things in the fastest way without going to school and wake up early in the morning.

  3. Many accredited schools are already found in the World Wide Web. In fact, they can offer a great service to those students who are willing to study through online. Some give it in a more lower price than usual but other still on the same amount. Knowing if that online education is accredited are just simple if you just know how to look beyond their achievements and backgrounds and also through people who already experience the service that offered by that online education.

  4. Accreditation is very important when we talk about online degrees or online education. It helps determine the legitimacy of the degree you hold, because without accreditation the degree would not be recognized or valued in your professional career. Hence it is very important for everyone to verify the accreditation in detail from multiple places to ensure you are in safe hands.

  5. degree should be recognized, so Accreditation is very important. getting degree from accredited online programs is important for career.

  6. It was really true that even online, there are already many accredited educational services can be found. It is also true that having a degree in an accredited institution is really worth once you will be going to enter in the business world. Thanks for this wonderful information and it is also very useful to all of us. Well done! and have a great day!

  7. Degree Search allows you to find online education programs, compare distance learning opportunities, and find online degrees from accredited schools.
